Aerobic Running and Walking
PEAP offers two types of classes in Aerobic Running:
- Beginning
- Aerobic running is a form of cardiovascular conditioning. Discussion topics include proper running mechanics, weather-related conditions, types of training, and benefits of cardiovascular conditioning. Students are timed on a one-mile and two-mile run. Grades are determined by running performance and written evaluation.
- Intermediate
- Designed for the more serious and competitive runner, this course includes intense running workouts. Students should be able to run three miles easily before enrolling in the activity. The grade is based on a logbook, a written examination, and timed running events.
PEAP also offers classes in Aerobic Walking.
This course is designed to acquaint the student with fitness walking, power walking, and race walking techniques. Grades will be calculated based on a walking log, a written examination, a walking form evaluation, and skill tests. Skill will be evaluated based on a timed 1-mile walk, 1.5-mile walk, and a 2-mile walk. An emphasis will be placed on endurance training in preparation for the walk tests.
Speed and strength training will also be incorporated into the workouts.